Thursday, January 26, 2006


the beads of ash slipping
through my fingers

the honeycomb cirrus
stretching days endless
around my lethargy

the dopplered sirens
releasing death to its maker

the asphalt yard
filled to the brim
with shattered hubcaps
and dried blood

the looming deadline

the empty beer bottle

the blinking lights,
gliding down the cracked windshield
of night's discontent

the system

the open mic

the closed mind

blame anything,

but me

my first rejection letter...


You've placed me in a difficult position. When we spoke on the telephone last semester, I told you that I didn't remember you specifically and therefore wasn't a good choice for a recommendation. You sent me a story draft in the hope that it would jog my memory. It didn't. I drafted a recommendation for you based upon the meager information at hand but realized that it was unlikely to help your cause. As it would have likely result in the rejection of your application, I didn't send it. I cannot behave unethically and fictionalize a recommendation, but I know that you are not asking me to do so. This being the case, you will need to find a replacement recommendation.

My easiest course would have been to send the recommendation and be done with it; however, I could not do so in good conscious as the draft you forwarded and your tenacity in your application suggest that you could have the stuff to go the distance. Once you're in, let me know if you are in Atlanta and would like to visit the workshop and share your graduate experience. Remember: write every day.

All best,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

what the game's been missing...

not Juelz Santana...his new album is garbage (as expected)

Disney's game is missing Pixar no more. They bought Pixar for 7 billion. go figya

Pacer's game is missing Ron Artest and apparently the Kings will be missing his game. I see Artest in a Lakers uniform very soon.

My beloved Maryland Terps will be missing the academically ineligible Chris McCray's game starting tonight when they play Georgia Tech, 7 pm ESPN. I guess 3+ years in college does not necessarily equate to any knowledge gained. Go to class nigga!

My game is missing a paycheck but i'm on the grind. pray for me...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

in response to the reader that remarks "i really liked it" after reading a poem of mine

you hated it
or didnt understand

you just don't
like reading
especially when asked

probably missed
the metaphor planted
on the third line
ending on the next--
my favorite part

you only read the first line
and counted silently the other moments
you imagined would lead
to the end of the poem

you're not impressed
see no impressions
beyond the ink

one might ask
what should be said
after reading

"i really liked it,
it was great"

seems kind enough
but this poem was about

death, and at the end...

what's great about that?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

from the driver's seat: daydream


with you in the passenger seat
the city is a long tunnel without lanes

i run red lights
fingering your palm

licking your smile
one hand on the wheel

with you in the passenger seat
the city is a smoking gun

we're shot from

targeting the shadow lights
of a city we've never been to

i run stop signs
to deliver us from sirens

and the ocassional passer-by
envious of me licking your smile

clean of foreground,
revealing tongue;

left turn,

boom blip

fortune tellers lie
your future hasn't happened yet
or it happened yesterday
too late to look back

as soon as it happened
your mind changes it
like you drove by a baby
holding a rabbit
but the next moment
you'll remember driving
by a baby holding a
rabbit with larger ears

i'm tired of trying to make sense
of what they tell me to make sense of

i don't want to run anymore.
i quit. ok bye.

blip 2

who said he knew me
lied about it, yeah he did

unfortunately ican't come out
to play right now

i smell gasoline
i dropped my lighter

through my shadow
and it fell out of my mouth
through the ground

today i'm half-empty


bittersweet symphony
is a recurring theme
in my mind's ipod--

Saturday, January 07, 2006

new year's evolution

the world does not revolve around me

but it should

smoking is one of the worst things to inhabit my life
and still
i can't seem to let it go

go figure

i drink too much

i eat fatty, greasy foods and enjoy them very much

i love my girlfriend
we have no need for titles
we have a need for each other

the need has grown now for almost 9 months

she is the best thing to happen to me in 2005

i want to leave DC

i need a job, a real one
you know, the type where you make money

i've thought about all my pasts and futures
all night at the bar
and still all i can come up with

is an empty bottle
and mirrors

24, and the hours

the world should revolve around me
but it doesn't
it revolves despite me and my issues

apathy doesnt make it hurt less
whatever it is

it, now, being everything
and anything
or nothing

circles larger and larger

and to think this post was supposed to make sense
