Monday, January 24, 2005

an apartment in chelsea...

i'm assuming the nytimes article that was sent to me by mr. johnson was referring to the chelsea neighborhood on the lower west side of manhattan...a swanky area indeed, if i do remember correctly ( my memory fails me, i do believe the area i am picturing was soho, but really it doesnt matter)...anyway, that was not the focus of the article but i tend to get caught up on things like this because it is my dream for the near future to be a mulling, brooding, successful artist of the written word in the big apple. this seems so far away for many reasons, one being my depleted sense of confidence in my writing (ok, so i've never been that confident), my lack of motivation and this unemployment issue. so much shit is hanging over my head right now. i find it difficult not to move into the fetal position and curse the day away through angry tears; angry at myself for seeing the passion and excitement that lies ahead of me, but having no clear idea of how to move toward such a fate. in times like these, my dad would tell me to pray on it.

on a lighter note...i've decided to start another blog specifically for my poetry. i write a new piece every other day i would estimate, so i think that my creative writing deserves its own domain. it will be under blogspot most likely and it will allow me to begin to organize my work at least in a timeline fashion...a chronicle of progress or something of the sort.

i am also thinking of another spin-off blog dedicated to my "love" life as it were, will be, never was...a tell-all feel to my interactions with women. of course this would be a somewhat anonymous blog, allowing for more thorough disclosure throughout the entries.

there is a need for rest and a need to wake up in the morning. the week is new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go west, young man. go west.

hopefully i may do the same.