Monday, July 09, 2007

how far we have to go

It was one of the most fulfilling,
fun, entertaining weekends I've had
with her in the longest time.

A three-day weekend at that.

On Sunday, she said "I don't know
if I can trust you again" and then
I knew how it felt to share so

many happy moments together (be it only
three days vs. 8-9 months) and
at the end find those moments tarnished.
Not that I felt betrayed by her b/c
I didn't. It just hurt to know that b/c
of what I did, happiness with her
may never be the same. There will always
be question marks here and there where
there was just "us".

sidenote: I lost my smartrip card or someone
moved it. 40$ is gone...the rest of the month
on the metro, gone. And after just mini-lecturing
alana on where to place it so it won't be misplaced.
just when i had hope that monday could be a good day...
i lose 40$. fuck, me.

to everyone: i'm emotionally unavailable until
further notice.

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