Friday, January 14, 2005

car accident

last night i made a left turn into a taxicab on its way up north capitol st. i let one car go past before turning, thinking the coast was clear but apparently it wasn't. I should have taken a closer look. One of the passengers in the cab said the guy was going way too fast, but it really doesnt matter how fast he was going...i should not have turned unless the coast was totally clear. anyway, i got a ticket for 25$ (the cop on the scene was very nice, telling me to always appeal in situations like these b/c at the least any points given to your license will be dropped, even the fine may be decreased). I guess in the end the most important thing is that no one was injured. It really did happen in slow motion. I always heard people mentioning that after i can co-sign that sentiment.

After 15 years the volvo, recently dubbed the "wonder wagon" by my brother and his boys, is out of commission. more importantly, my driving is now controlled by my parents allowance of the keys to their car. this brings me back to having no money and desperately needing a job. i really needed a cigarette today after driving across town to get a check that was mailed to me. i haven't smoked yet today but i'm sure i will later. anyway, enough ranting, my life is not exciting or interesting enough for two paragraphs. i fault no one for closing my blog before reaching the end of this pathetic entry.

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