Monday, October 11, 2004


Christopher Reeve died yesterday. He was 52. I remember watching the Superman movies and loving them. It was very humbling and real to see him in a state where he could not even walk. Yet, the spirit in which he portrayed on-screen came to light in his courage and strength during the toughest times in his life. The real Superman...

I applied to a job today at the National Academies of Science, the same place Brandon worked during the summer. Hopefully, I will hear something back from them. I sent out my last recommendation request to Gray Stewart today and sent for a grad school bulletin from Columbia. I began UVA's online app. and should be starting American and NYU soon.

So, the plan is to really work on a routine, waking up, writing, working toward a job during work hours, going to the mall and writing more, going home, eating, reading, writing a little more, then to bed. It's the only way that I'll be employed by the end of the month, the only way I'll get this grad school work done in a decent time. I need order. Pops would agree. It's time to be a man about things, be about business. Ok. Enough talking for now.

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